Community Law Otago offers free legal education talks as part of our legal education initiative.
Our legal education programme has been operating in Otago for the past 43 years, with the aim of providing practical and accessible information on everyday legal issues to the Otago community. Contact us if you wish to know more about our legal education talks.
Our legal education programme
Access to legal advice and information is a good start to ensuring people have the legal knowledge they need before problems arise. A lack of legal knowledge has been an ongoing barrier to people in the community attempting to resolve legal disputes in satisfactory ways since laws began.
Community legal education empowers people by providing straight up no frills plain English legally correct information about the law. Law Professor Google or AI ChatGP has a lot of information, but not always the answers!
Our talks are tailored to meet the requirements of your group, ensuring interest and relevancy. In the past we have talked to various community service providers (employees, volunteers, and clients), schools, training centres, as well as offering public talks and seminars on recent law changes. We cover topics such as tenancy, employment rights and disputes, family issues, consumer rights, privacy, police powers, and the legal system in New Zealand.
Our talks are usually given by volunteer senior law students from Otago University. They are informal and interactive with an emphasis on group discussion. The length of our talks are flexible, though they generally last one hour.
Our talks can be delivered by Zoom if required.
Our talks have continuously received excellent feedback with 99% of participants finding that the sessions improved their understanding of the topics covered, and would recommend the session to friends or whanau.